Lava Iris 505 Flash File password full free -
Lava Iris 505 Flash File Downlod password free.
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Download lava iris 505 flash file.
file name: Iris 505 S103 2013-08-08
file password: free (01312378923) call me.
Download Fle: Link
How to Flash scatter Rom:
Step 1: Download and extract with winrar the stock Rom on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the Firmware file, SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers.skip if drivers are already installed on your computer.
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tools and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Cable.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade or Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Sign will appear at the screen and device will successful Flash.
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